Traffic Impact Fee Ordinance

The Traffic Impact Fee Committee and consultant Gannett Fleming have prepared a draft Land Use Assumptions Report. This report estimates the amount and location of future development in the Township through 2035. This report, if recommended by the Committee and accepted by the Penn Township Board of Supervisors will provide the foundation for a traffic analysis to determine future traffic volumes and necessary transportation improvements to accommodate future traffic and propose a new value for Penn Township’s traffic impact fee to be levied on future development.


The public hearing on September 23, 2024 is an opportunity for the public to comment on the Land Use Assumptions Report and its maps.  If there are no significant comments or changes, the Committee will recommend that the Board accept the report. Upon recommendation, the Board may take action to accept the report by resolution (not an ordinance) as early as its October 8, 2024 meeting. Upon acceptance by the Board, Gannett Fleming will proceed with the traffic analysis phase of work. The Township expects to advertise a proposed Traffic Impact Ordinance in 2025.

 Additional comments may be submitted through the online comment form below through Monday September 30, 2024.



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