As of October 1, 2002, Penn Township adopted its first Comprehensive Development Plan. The Land Use Department will use this document to ensure that the township develops in an organized manner and to ensure harmony with existing land use regulations and zoning. The department handles various applications such as Land Development, Subdivision, Building Permits, and other permits, which can be found on the right side of this page under “Land Use Documents/Forms.”
Clinton A. Bonetti is the current Land Use Administrator and will be the primary contact for information related to Land Use or Land Development. Subdivision or Land Development plans must be submitted 15 working days prior to the regularly scheduled meetings of the Planning Commission, which takes place on the second Thursday of each month. Major land development plans requiring stormwater management approval will be forwarded to the Township Engineer, and minor plans may also be submitted to the Township Engineer. Major Subdivisions will also need stormwater management approval from the Township Engineer.
Building permits are required before construction of residential and commercial structures. For commercial building permits, land development approval must be obtained from the Township Supervisors, along with approval from Pennsylvania Labor and Industry.
Depending on the size of the structure you are proposing to construct, will determine if a zoning and building permit will be necessary.
Structures 999 Sq. feet and but greater than 99 Sq. feet will only require a zoning permit. Prices can be found on our current fee schedule.
Structures 1000 Sq. feet and over will require a zoning permit through the Township and will require a building permit which is processed through Code.sys
The Land Use Department also accepts applications for rezoning, variances, conditional uses, and special exceptions, which will be forwarded to the appropriate boards for review. These forms can be found on the site as PDF Downloads. Once applications for variances and special exceptions are received, hearings will follow the requirements of the Pennsylvania Municipal Planning Code, and applicants will be notified by phone and mail of the hearing date.
The township has been using a Geographic Information System (GIS) since 1998, which now has upgraded capabilities for tracking building permits, subdivisions, land developments, variances, and violations. The GIS provides township staff with various capabilities, including parcel zoning, soil types, home addresses, and more.